Additional Resources

The resources below have been compiled for use in conjunction with The Orange Story. The material has been organized by chapter and includes links to relevant curricula, other resources, and discussion questions. These resources are intended primarily for general audiences and a wide range of grade levels, unless specified otherwise.

General Resources

  • The Japanese American Experience: A Curriculum and Resource Guide, 5th edition - This 150-page resource, created by the JACL and the NEA in 2015, offers a curriculum guide and primary source documents spanning from early Japanese immigration to the United States until the rise of anti-Muslim activity following September 11, 2001.
  • The JACL’s Power of Words Handbook: A Guide to Language about Japanese Americans in World War II - This 20-page resource by the JACL can be used to discuss the language used to talk about the incarceration of Japanese Americans. It includes a list of terms that often appear when discussing this history, and recommendations for alternative terms.
  • Sites of Shame - This resource, created by Densho, works wells as a general overview of the Japanese American incarceration. It includes a timeline, an interactive map that showcases various incarceration sites, and information on the experiences of one family, the Yasutakes.
  • The Japanese American Internment Experience - This interactive website created by the California State Library, puts users into the shoes of Japanese Americans by presenting them with the same choices they would have needed to make in 1942, as well as over the course of the war.